Nutrition and lactation support for babies with food allergies.

Support healthy growth and development of your baby, and avoid nutritional deficiencies during breastfeeding.


✓ Be Confident in Your Feeding Choices

Trust that you are choosing the right foods to promote healthy growth – and are avoiding bad reactions. Stop second-guessing yourself.

✓ Have a Plan to Address Symptoms

Unfortunately, total resolution of all symptoms isn’t always possible. Be armored with the tools and steps to remedy the situation when it happens.

✓ Meet Your Breastfeeding Goals

Get the support and encouragement you need to meet your goals. Work through barriers or potential hurdles to have the best experience possible.

As The Lactation Dietitian, I provide comprehensive nutrition and lactation consulting and counseling packages for parents and infants with suspected food allergies.

I work with you to create a personalized plan to maximize nourishment for your growing baby and help meet your nutrient needs during lactation, all while navigating food sensitivities or allergens.

I work with you to create a personalized plan to maximize nourishment for your growing baby and help meet your nutrient needs during lactation, all while navigating food sensitivities or allergens.


  • Support and knowledge to meet your specific breastfeeding goals

  • Setting appropriate expectations for milk production and milk composition

  • Providing a nutrition care plan so you can properly nourish yourself while on an elimination diet

  • Assessing need to vitamins or other supplements

  • Helping with re-introducing allergens when the time comes


  • Understanding the difference between common baby behavior and what may be a food-related reaction

  • Assessing baby’s growth and development

  • Reviewing food journal and symptom trackers

  • Helping with the introduction of allergens as baby starts solids


One-Time Sessions

Use Your Insurance Benefits

If you are approved for insurance coverage via The Lactation Network, schedule a one-time session. Depending on your specific plan, we’ll continue to schedule them out to maximize the benefits.

*We always try this route first! Don’t pay out of pocket if you don’t need to.

3-Month Package

The Lactation Dietitian 3-Month Package

Navigating the nuances of food allergies and breastfeeding challenges can take time. This isn’t a one-and-done process. This three month package gives you time to problem-solve, test drive solutions, and walk away confident.

“I would not have made it through the first year without Meghan!” 

-Nicole S.

Hi, I’m Meghan AKA The Lactation Dietitian

I get it. As a mom of kids with food allergies, I’ve gone through this same process. I have been where you are:

  • Afraid to introduce new foods to baby (or me when breastfeeding)

  • Constantly feeling like my baby is unhappy

  • Isolated and alone in the process

That’s why as The Lactation Dietitian, I work tireless with you to create a personalized plan of action. Stop feeling like life is a free-fall. Get the confidence you need to feed yourself and your baby, know what to eat and what to avoid, and meet your breastfeeding goals.